Vol. 3 No. 3 Thul Hijjah 1417/ April 1997
Al-Aqsa and the Distortion of its History |
Israel is trying hard to convince the world thatthe explosion of Arab anger that followed the opening of the tunnel under Al-Aqsa Mosque had nothing to justify it. They argue that the Palestinians exploited the incident to incite the Muslim world against the Jews with the claim that the tunnel was threatening the foundations of the mosque and was part of a plot to demolish it and rebuild the Jewish Temple in its place. |
It is a matter of regret that the TIME Magazine recently carried a poison piece of article entitled: “A Desecration of theTruth” by Charles Krauthammer. Providing a classic example of total distortion of facts, Krauthamer, argued that Israel was the victim of an unfair campaign launched by Palestinians over the tunnel controversy. What a shameless lie! |
Inventing History |
Of course, it is not strange for Israelis to play such games to hide the real truth. The claim of their presence in theland of Palestine is also built on false history. Their latest attempt to delink the issue of’ thetunnel from that of their claim for their mythical Temple is nothing but a trick to fool those who are not aware of the true history of the issue. |
Israelis claim that the Temple exists in the Al-Aqsa area. Yet, according to Dr. Ibrahim Al-Ghani, a Palestinian archaeologist, excavations made by Israel archaeologists since 1948 have not produced even a single piece of evidence to establish their claim. He says that Professor Tom Thompson of Copenhagen University, who is also a professor of archaeology in Milwaukee University in the US and an authority on ancient history of the Israeli people denies the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem as there was no Jerusalem when the Temple is claimed to have been built. And he also points out that when Jerusalem came into existence the Jews were not there. He emphatically denies the presence of the Temple inJerusalem in the light of the archaeological evidences so far found and the data so far available. He therefore asserts that the tunnel under Al-Aqsa Mosque and other successive exca-vations are designed only for demolishing the ancient mosque. This is the truth. But truth has never bothered Israelis. They were always experts in “inventing” history. (The reflection) |
Al-Aqsa and the Distortion of its History