Ar Rasheed: Vol. 3 No. 3 Thul Hijjah 1417/ April 1997 Sunni Muslims in IranAccording to the census of 1970, Shias make up 62% of the population of Iran, while the Sunnis, 36%. During the reign of the Safavids who were responsible for turning Iraninto a Shiite state, the Sunnis …
Read More »Ar Rasheed: Disturbing Trend on the Marital Front
Online EditionVol. 3 No. 3 Thul Hijjah 1417/ April 1997 Disturbing Trend on the Marital FrontAn English daily from Jeddah recently carried a report highlighting a disturbing trend in Saudi society. Based on some case studies, the paper points out that both Saudi boys and girls are giving preference to …
Read More »Ar Rasheed: Bin Laden’s Reflections
Vol. 3 No. 3 Thul Hijjah 1417/ April 1997 Bin Laden’s ReflectionsUsamah Bin Laden is the son of the wealthy, Saudi Arabian Bin Laden Family. He is presently living in exile in Sudan.We highlight some of his reflections, which appeared on the Internet recentlyBin Laden spreads his right hand and …
Read More »Ar Rasheed Newspaper: Al-Aqsa
Vol. 3 No. 3 Thul Hijjah 1417/ April 1997 Al-Aqsa and the Distortion of its HistoryIsrael is trying hard to convince the world thatthe explosion of Arab anger that followed the opening of the tunnel under Al-Aqsa Mosque had nothing to justify it. They argue that the Palestinians exploited the …
The latest card played by many including creepy characters in certain Darul Ulooms attempting to capsize the original teachings of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam and gradually Westernize the pure teachings of Islam, but Islam will always come out as the winner no matter who. This article was written in …
Read More »Beware of Imân-Blowing Landmines at Universities
Ar Rasheed, Old Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal Newspaper -Vol. 3 No. 6|: Rajab 1418/ November 1997 (This article has been written by a university student, in her own words, which is an eye-opener for other students.)In recent times a number of Muslim parents have been criticised for depriving their daughters of …
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