1. TRANSLATION OF NAMAAZ وَ بِحَمْدِكَ Praise Be Unto You 2. ONE SUNNAT The first sunnat of namaaz was one should stand upright facing the Qibla without bending the head. The second sunnat was that the toes should also face Qibla. Todays lesson: The takbeer-e-tahreema (1st takbeer) of the muqtadi …
Translation of Namaaz سُبْحَانَكَ اللّهُمَّ “O Allah we express Your purity” Subhaanakallahumma 2) One Sunnat The toes should also be facing the Qibla and it is mustahab that there should be no gap of 4 fingers between the feet. 3) One Major Sin Among the major sins is to taunt …
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