The below message has been republished from the JMPD, however we remind all the readers, Islam does not approve of paganism, involving such baseless activities, a waste of money and a nuisance to humans and animals. Islam’s rights to animals is far above any other man made law regarding them. …
Where we have just seen Mufti Menk’s current statement DEBUNKING MFT MENK’S FALSE THEORY: “LEARN TO ACCEPT DIFFERENCE OF OPINION” – Ummati calling Christmas a difference of opinion, it is important to note how strong he himself was against even expressing statements of happiness for blunt Kufr: Here is his …
Read More »‘Sorry Mom for Scrapping the Once a Year MOTHER’S DAY’
Dear Mom, For the following reasons I have disbelieved in singling out the 12th of May for Mother’s day: Surprisingly they call the day ‘MOTHERS DAY’, according to the low inhumane status of the masses, should they not say it is discrimination? Has the alien belief going from their ape …
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