Source: COVID-19: Disturbing report released by the USA
A total of 520 pages dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic have just been published by a special sub-committee of the US Congress led by elected Republicans. Some Democrats are also said to have taken part in the drafting process.
The investigation lasted two years. And while this information was supposed to remain in the shadows, well hidden beneath the lies, it has just come to light. Le Journal de Montréal reveals some of it.
Shocking revelations
- The virus was most likely the result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan, as part of US government-funded gain-of-function research. The American and Chinese governments, Dr. Fauci and members of the scientific community are said to have attempted to conceal the facts;
- The “6 feet” of social distancing, recommended by world leaders, had no scientific basis;even more disturbing, there was no scientific evidence that the masks had been effective in controlling the spread of the virus;
- The government didn’t tell the whole story, and deliberately misinformed the public, labelling the laboratory accident theory as a “conspiracy theory”;
- The vaccine’s effectiveness was exaggerated…
- Many other truths are highlighted in the report.
Trust has to be earned
Those who were once (and sometimes still are) called conspiracy theorists may not have been wrong. The investigation in question aims to prove them right.
As the 520-page report points out, “trust has to be earned. Accountability, transparency, honesty and integrity will help regain that trust”, reports the Journal de Montréal.
(MH with AsD – Source: Journal de Montréal – Illustration: Unsplash)
(End of report)
With what face will the so called heirs of Ambiyaa Alaihimus Salaam face Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam on the day of Qiyaamah when they intentionally went ahead with adjusting pure teachings. This was all done in an attempt to adulterate the wonderful Shari’ah?
The Haqq always prevails. Ask yourself now, how can we trust such unapologetic individuals?