Imaan brings about Ghayrah. This means one cannot tolerate kufr or festivals of the Kuffaar. When we study these festivals, it has a direct link not to difference of opinions but rather to that which brings the anger and wrath of Allah Ta’alaa. Now whoever says Christmas is a difference of opinion is Kufr in itself. Allah Ta’alaa says it in the Qur’aan Shareef, it is right there.

Christmas means Christian Mass. They want to get the masses involved in a pagan belief even according to a good percentage of Christians who reject Christmas. Allah Ta’alaa forbid but Christians say: If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. 1 John 4:15

Muslims know this is blatant Kufr. Suratul Ikhlaas,

“He did not beget nor was He begotten”

In other words Christians believe that Jesus was born on the 25th of December which none of their bibles can even confirm this lie but rather this was cooked up by Paul who had a dual name Saul (A Jew initially). But bigger than that is this fabrication and brutal lie attached not just to Sayyidah Maryam As-Siddeeqah (Radhiyallahu ‘Anha) but directly to Allah, saying Allah Ta’alaa had a son. نقل الكفر ليس بكفر quoting Kufr especially for refutation purposes is not Kufr.

Now let us revert to Menk’s lamentable text, “Whether you’re celebrating Christmas or not……..learn to accept difference of opinion.” You need no rocket scientist to understand what is being said here.

Allah Ta’alaa refutes these theories and so called cooked up difference of opinion in the Qur’aan Shareef just after mentioning the pure miraculous birth of Sayyiduna Isa Alaihis Salaam without a father. Can there be any difference of opinion on this issue? How can a Mu’min ever call this a difference of opinion. How can Mu’min forget a Mufti ever advise Muslimeen to accept this? Woe be to Mufti Menk and all those who support this in the name of co-existing and interfaith.

Allah Ta’alaa expresses their deplorable state of Kufr:

Then the groups among them fell in dispute (about Sayyiduna Isa Alaihis Salaam’s miraculous birth without a father. [Some (The Jews) slandered Sayyidah Maryam Radhiyallahu Anha and others (Christians) took a son for God] So, woe to the disbelievers, for they are to witness the Great Day.

See the Qur’aan Shareef. Open Surah dedicated to As Siddeeqah Sayyidah Maryam (Chapter 19) Verse 37

Allah Ta’alaa does not call it a difference of opinion. Allah Ta’alaa calls it a clear error!

How strong will their hearing be, and how strong their vision the day they will come to Us! But today the transgressors are in clear error.

Surah Maryam (Chapter 19) Verse 38

Allah Ta’alaa warns them about when this so called difference of opinion will be settled:

And warn them of The Day of Remorse when the whole thing will be settled, while they are heedless and do not believe.

Surah Maryam (Chapter 19) Verse 39

The problem is they watered down Islam and permitted that which they themselves were once opposed to when they were more attached to the Qur’aan Shareef and Ahaadith Mubaarakah. They changed that naming it a difference of opinion. Now clear cut Kufr is also named a difference of opinion. Where do we draw the limits. Have we sold our beautiful Deen of Islam, that which Allah Ta’alaa Himself chose for us in exchange for dirt?

To put the final nail in their coffin filled with cooked up differences of opinions, Allah Ta’alaa says:

Truly, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam. And those who have been given the Book did not differ (among themselves) except after the knowledge had come to them, (and all this) due to envy against each other. And whoever denies the verses of Allah, then, Allah is swift at reckoning.

Surah Aal-e-Imraan (3), Verse 19

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