Aga Khani’s history stained with dark black hooks, marrying American models and divorcing them at the cost of huge sums of money, it is interesting to know Rahim Aga Khan who inherits this putrid legacy, sworn in as 50th Ismaili Shia Imaam, has a similar history as his father.
Prince Rahim, born on October 12, 1971, is the eldest son of Aga Khan IV and his first wife, Princess Salimah, was a former British model.
Educated in the United States at Brown University, he studied comparative literature before taking on leadership roles within the AKDN, where he has been particularly focused on climate change and poverty alleviation.
Prince Rahim was also married to Kendra Spears, an American former fashion model, with whom he has two sons.
Spears, who went on to be known as Princess Salwa Aga Khan, was 25 when she earned her royal title by marrying Rahim, who was 42 at the time.
Aga Khan IV & Israel Interview
Aga Khan: Today, the world is divided into theocracies and secular states. Sometimes people talk – quite rightly – about the three nations which are, each in its own way, theocratic, namely Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia. If they were to change, you would have a different world. If I dare say it, politics should be left to politicians, and God to God.
Lafaye: Doesn’t the Israeli constitution, which does not allow the formation of clear, stable majorities, also impede the achievement of enduring peace between the Jewish state and its neighbours?
Aga Khan: I do not know the specifics of the Israeli constitution well enough. However, as I told you, it makes no doubt that the problem of dysfunctional constitutions is the most frequent source of political instability in a vast number of countries.
Lafaye: What should Israel do now to achieve lasting peace?
Aga Khan: I have never wanted to engage in this debate but I believe there is one fundamental requirement – a viable Palestinian state. Furthermore, I shall surprise you by saying that, as far as I am concerned, one of the conditions for peace is the acceptance of Israel by the Shia minority within the Muslim world. Iraq has a Shia majority, so does Bahrain, and there have always been large numbers of Shia in Lebanon. Let’s not forget that Bashar El-Assad is himself a Shia. This is an essential key, something that President Sarkozy understands very well. Agreement with Sunni countries** is fine, but it isn’t enough.
Politique Internationale, “The Power of Wisdom”, Issue 127 (2010)

Weekly Q&A: Hazar Imam’s Comments on Palestine-Israel Conflict
Conclusion: Beware of individuals or organisations who either stand with the rogue regime Israel or any scholar/organisation who claims the Palestinian issue is a political issue or who discard its mention claiming there is other issues more serious! This is a crime against Muslims and Islam. Palestine is the land of the Ambiyaa Alaihimus Salaam. If you cannot stand for the protection of our Noble and Dear sites, then what Islam are you promoting?
More dangerous than Aga Khan are those who claim to be part of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jam’aah but for a reason Allah Ta’alaa knows best, they bypass the Palestinian issue saying, “we do not get involved in politics”. These are the same ones who fear they will lose their podium if they speak the Haqq, little do they know Allah Ta’alaa will strip them from any podium for concealing the Haqq! These are the same ones who will not dare compliment the Mujaahideen for their wonderful spirit of resistance against the world powers of the world. Islam is current! Islam will demolish current threats as well as future! Islam will carry on with or without us! Islam is here to stay!