The latest card played by many including creepy characters in certain Darul Ulooms attempting to capsize the original teachings of Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam and gradually Westernize the pure teachings of Islam, but Islam will always come out as the winner no matter who. This article was written in the 1990’s by the old Jamiat, Jamiatul Ulama Transvaal. This article mentions, “Some have made bank interest halâl. Some have made photographs halâl. Remember, no halâl will become harâm and vice versa by the changing of these modernists (who have forgotten Allah).” By their own old website, they (CURRENT JAMIATUL ULAMA SOUTH AFRICA) are labelled modernists, those who have forgotten Allah! Those who are actively and intentionally attempting to adulterate the unadulterated and pure Deen of Islam is using terms such as “mukhtalaf feeh” (claiming there is scope for difference of opinion in certain matters) which Shari’ah deals clearly with. This article is a gem if you ask any seeker or preacher of Haqq. It is a slap in their retarded efforts to:

  1. Expose women whether on air in the name of sex programs on Radio Islam (Jamiat’s mouthpiece) or in different fields of their modernised Islam.
  2. Photography & TV
  3. Putting females in leadership positions (something even America did not even dare to do till now)
  4. Claiming to have unity with all who have Islamic names (Shias and the works)
  5. Campaigning interfaith
  6. Intermingling
  7. Islamic banking
  8. The list goes on…………..

Read the below article at your leisure whether here below or directly from their old and inactive website which was adapted from the link: http://www.jamiat.co.za/library/distortion_of_deen.htm

Distortion of Deen in the Name of
Ijtihâd and Renewal of Islâm
Islâm is the only religion which Allâh has prescribed for everyone and only on Islâm has Allâh based success of the hereafter. Allâh Ta’âla in Surah Al-Imran says:
“verily, according to Allâh, the only true religion is Islam.”
In another place Allâh states:
“and whosoever seeks any religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him and he will be from amongst the ruined ones in the hereafter.”
Islâm is complete. The Qur’ân, the fountain head of Islâm is protected till the last day. Allâh has promised to protect it. It is an everlasting miracle.
The laws of Islâm are uniform forever. There is no room for any amendments in them. Since Islâm is a divine religion, not man made, therefore there is no room for any individual or party to change a harâm to halâl or vice versa. The laws of Islâm will not change by an individual or party making any amendments to them. Instead, that individual or party will become Kâfir.
Since two or three years the enemies began efforts to change Islam. For this task they use only so called Muslims, i.e.. false claimants of Islam. Those who have not studied Qur’ân and Hadith, neither learnt Islâm from pious and sincere Muslims, nor have they enjoyed the company of the true supporters of Islam. These are the ones who are caught in the trap of the Jews and Christians and raise voices to change the laws of Islam. These are the people who do not differentiate between divine and man- made religions. Those who have made up their own religions, if they make amends to it, it suites them. It is understood if man amends things he has made it on his own, but there is no room for amendments to the book which Allâh revealed and to the religion sent for His servants, who’s details He mentioned by means of the last prophet.
Whoever would like to make amendments to Islam, why should he attribute himself to Islam. He is not a Muslim, therefore he should attribute himself to another religion. The religion of Islâm will not change by anyone making amendments to it. It is incumbent upon the servants of Allâh to execute only those Islamic laws which have been narrated continuously from the first era. Allâh has not given anybody the authority to make amendments to Islam.
People have made changes to Islâm under the following names: i.e.. Ijtihâd, Renewal of Islam, Rectification of the worldly and economical conditions of the people. Some have insurance halâl. Some have made bank interest halâl. Some have made photographs halâl. Remember, no halâl will become harâm and vice versa by the changing of these modernists (who have forgotten Allah).
Some say there should be equality between men and women, whereas there are the following differences between them:
1) Allâh has not created them equally.
2) Both of them are not equal in body strength.
3) Two women’s evidence equal one man. The Qur’ân says:
and the hadith indicates that women’s intelligence is less than man.
4)A women’s share is of that of a man in inheritance. Allâh states:
6) The man has been made the bread winner and the women is commanded to sit at home. Allâh states regarding the men:
7) The women is commanded to stand in the last line in salât.
8) The man is the father and the women is the mother. Naturally there is a difference between them. Despite the clarification of the Qur’ân in the above conditions, how can men and women be equal. If anyone makes such laws wherein men and women are equal, these will be self proposed laws which will have no link to Islam.
Some people say, certain women are very intelligent and certain women are the head of a certain country. We should understand that by a few women being intelligent and a few men being stupid, the general rule will not change. Laws are passed on majority. The women that the head of a state, firstly, they are not supposed to be made the head. They appear infront of men without the veil and commit a lot of evil.
In Pakistan a woman has been made the head, since then there is no peace. Murder and bloodshed is the order of the day. Some quote the British system, that there a woman is the head. Firstly they are Kâfirs. If they were Muslims they would definitely not did this.
Some quote the country of Sheba. Everyone knows that she was a Kâfirah. It is clearly mentioned in Surah Naml that she used to worship the sun. What contact did she have with Islam. When she accepted Islam, then Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S) began ruling her country.
Secondly we should remember that the British have a parliamentary system. Whatever is passed in the parliament, the queen is forced to endorse it. This is “rule” in reality. This is loyalty to the parliament. That parliament is such that if after a law has been passed, if the public does not obey it, that law is changed and the queen has to endorse both.
A few months ago, a black American women was called to South Africa. She was taught Arabic and taught to speak out against Islam. Many ignorant people and some so called learned men joined her after listening to her modern talks. They used to endorse whatever she said. They encouraged her so much that they made her speak against Islâm on a Friday on the mimbar (pulpit).
One of the things attributed to her is that there is a need to revise the Qur’ân (may Allâh save us). This women and her followers have forgotten that one’s own book is revised. No one has the right to revise the book revealed by Allâh. There is an art of criticising. The people who trained this women and sent her thought the Qur’ân to be like their bible. They forgot that this is Allah’s book. Who gave the right to revise this book and to whom was the right given.
Another thing that has been attributed to her is that until now men were writing commentary’s of the Qur’ân therefore women’s rights were shown less and they were deprived of equality (being equal to men). Now women should write commentary’s of the Qur’ân and prove their rights. It is clear from this statement of hers that women do not have the same status as men, otherwise by now they would have written commentary’s of the Qur’ân. Now they are being investigated. A women is made to speak against Islâm of the principles of the Atheists. Men have always remained the hero’s of this false task and the women were always used.
The truth is this, that the person who has knowledge and piety, will first have concern of the hereafter and will be a true interpreter of the Qur’ân and the teachings of the prophet (S.AW) will be before him. He will be aware of the Arabic words and their usage. He will have the quality of (understanding deen). When he interprets the Qur’ân, he will only make that commentary which is found in the commentary’s written until now. Those people who do not know Arabic words and are ignorant of the necessary knowledge which is required for the commentary of the Qur’ân, how do they regard themselves worthy of writing commentary’s of the Qur’ân. (May Allâh save us).

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