We ask South Africa, how can you expect the children to count when our Presidents struggled in the past. Click on the moving circle and “Listen properly” to the then President Jacob Zuma:

Todays’s newspaper, Saturday Citizen front page headlines lamented:


An international survey of 54 countries has ranked South African Grade 5 pupils last in the world in mathematics and science. Grade 9s fared little better, coming in fifth-last. It’s a problem education experts say rooted in the lack in the mother-tongue education, inadequate resources, oversized classes and a lack of teacher development. Covid also played a part.

In the study 2023 Trends in International Mathematics and Science, released this week, South Grade 5s scored an average of 362 points in mathematics. They lagged behind countries such as Morroco, Brazil and Saudi Arabia.

This marks a decline from the 374 points achieved in 2019. In science, the country fared even worse, scoring an average of 308 points also for Grade 5s, below nations like Morocco, Kuwait and Jordan. This is a drop from the 324 points recorded in 2019.

According to the study, 91% students of students from countries scoring below the low international benchmark of 400 demonstrated only basic mathematical understanding.

Reflects Progress

Minister of Basic Education, Siviwe Gwarube said the results reflect progress and persistent challenges.

Article continues….

Islamic Perspective

Firstly to understand school we have to understand the religion of school. The religion of current day school is secularism. As time moves on, people gain a better understanding of their twisted mission thus they then have to twist the meanings of their words too. Thus to define ‘secularism’ we should not look at the latest results on google and other search engines, we should go back to a book which they all accept and that is to refer to a book worldly accepted by them named, World Book Dictionary:

Secular (sek’ye lar), adj, n. – adj. 1. Connected with the world and its affairs; of things not religious or sacred. 2. living in the world not belong to a religious group: a secular clergy, a secular priest.

Secularist (sek ‘ye le ris’tik), n., adj – n. a believer in secularism.

secularize (sek ye le rize), v.t., -ized, izing 1. To make secular or worldly; separate from religious connection or influence: to secularize Sunday, to secularize schools. To transfer from the possession of the church to that of the government. 3. To transfer from regular or monastic to secular: to secularize a monk.

From all these definitions you notice the trend and that is to pull every person out of aspects which govern their lives and make them live according to their religion. This definitely has it stench founded in the global mission before the coming of Dajjal. Before Dajjal efforts by Shaytaans agents has to be in place to corrupt as many as possible. Schools have served this purpose.

Coming to children in SA coming last in counting, the frightening statement made by many of us who make the excuse of why we should send our children to school is, “no they need to learn how to read and count”. The reality is schools are failing to fulfill this service too. So learning a thousand evils will make it a thousand times harder to get back on to the straight path.

School has exposed its Shaytaani agenda. It is not here to educate you, it is here to corrupt you globally! Strange Gwarube calls it, “progress”. Coming out last in the world in counting and this is progress?

Read the Qur’aan Shareef. We all are students of Deen, learn to read the Qu’raan Shareef, adopt Taqwa and Allah Ta’alaa will teach you to be successful in this world and the hereafter. Make this your objective in this time away from the evil thought to you in schools.

In conclusion
Seclurism for a Muslim means to remove one from the worship of Allah Ta’alaa. These are direct attacks on Muslims solely. Their other religions do not have a spine to stand straight. Islam is upright and firm, we have strong and protected teachings. The attack is on us really. See how many restrictions there is which is laws directly to prevent Muslims from being Muslim in schools. If we submit, then are we not concerned that if we pass away in these godless environments, we will pass away without Imaan because compromisation took place even it be for one moment? Look at the list of countries that ban scarfs (they call Hijaabs). When Muslims attempt to defend it then they will release a statement to say, it is for all religions not just for Muslims. Which other religions of today wear scarfs? What are Muslim females doing there in the first place? Now you have understood why Afghanistan’s ban on girls going to schools have threatened them so much?

Women play a major role in the future of populations. They grow the minds of children at home. When they are brainwashed then the child coming from a godless society back home will be assisted in their homework opposed to coming back home and instilling Imaan back in the child. Now ponder how this damages future generations. Drugs was the scream of our lungs before, we have become desentised to that, has LGBTQ also become like that?

Schools cannot survive. They will die. It Baatil and Baatil comes to an end. The outcome is with the Muttaqeen. Adopt Taqwa (fear of Allah Ta’alaa) and He Rabbul Izzah will open up for you and will provide for you from avenues you could not imagine. He Subhaanahu wa Ta’alaa will guide you to a career that will enhance your Taqwa!

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