When the truth is shared or any current issue is addressed head on with the intention to steer mankind to to the path of light pulling them out of layers of darkness then those who are receiving funds quickly label the men of Allah Ta’alaa “too controversial”. In this regard Mufti Abdullah Moolla has spelt out:
The Controversialists are a new breed of people who stir up controversy with each wave of liberalization.
The controversialists are people who resort to all anti-Islamic and un-Islamic activity and behaviour, despite being Muslims and labelling themselves as Muslims.
The controversialists are those who worked clandestinely against the sincere Muslims, spying them to the police for performing Salaah.
The controversialists are those who mock and degrade the sincere Muslims.
The controversialists are those who accepted hand-outs from non-Muslim organizations in order to destroy Islam.
The controversialists object to the work of Islam being done in the proper traditional way.
The controversialists hug and love the Shias, and refuse to denounce them publicly.
The controversialists label all their controversy as “ikhtilaf”.
The controversialists kick up a storm and scream liked drugged fools when they are opposed.
The controversialists smile like wolves, and bare their teeth in order to rip the fabric of traditional Islam apart.
The controversialists love to play victim, but they cause all the controversy.
The controversialists break the commands of Allah and fool the people, calling it ‘open mindedness’.
The controversialists intermingle freely in public and call it ‘progression’.
The controversialists bring their controversial buddies from overseas to spread more controversy.
The controversialists subscribe to the interfaith bible, and have cast the Noble Qur’an aside.
The controversialists subscribe to the constitution and have cast the Sunnah aside.
The controversialists cancel and silence the genuine Ulama and call themselves ‘moderate’.
The controversialists acquire supporters from the unsuspecting and ignorant, they call themselves THE NEUTRALS.
The neutrals sing to any tune that the controversialists play.
The neutrals accompany the genuine Muslims, but think and act like the controversialists.
Watch out for the controversialists. Stand up to them, and tell them to stop all their controversy.