Dear Feminist trying to make homemakers feel worthless
Are you “strong” enough to handle my life
I am my home. If I’m not there for even a minute, everything falls apart
My day runs on a tight schedule
I make sure everyone in my house is fed, changed,taking naps with little kids even their running to the toilet is my responsibility
Every moment is spent seeing to the needs of each child
All while preparing a hearty meal and a clean home for my husband when he comes back from a long day at work
My day does not end at 5
My day does not end. I finish up tasks to start a new task, and this cycle is repeated until bedtime
For mothers with little babies, bedtime only lasts a few hours, with little ones constantly waking during the night
Unlike you I am there for my family
My kids aren’t dumped with a nanny or at daycare
My husband doesn’t have to pick up take outs on his way home
And I don’t knock off at 5 and spend only a few hours with my children, who are probably already tired and will be asleep in a few hours
I am not a strong, independent woman, and I don’t want to be
Because that is not the role that Allah, my creator, has ordained for me
If I try and change my role,my life will be miserable, and I will never be truly happy
I will be a bitter person, and that will lead me to belittling women who are truly happy and doing what Allah has ordained for them and what pleases their creator
Allah has created men and women
He has placed men over us to guide us and to look after us
And he has placed us in our homes so that we can look after the needs of our families
Just like you can’t take a fish out of water and make it fly and a bird out of the sky and make it swim
You can’t take a woman out of the house and make her work, and a man out of working and making him a homemaker
Eventually, he/she will start to suffocate in such an unnatural environment, and the marriage and happiness of that home will die
Concerned Mother