TikTok Attention Seekers Should be Snubbed

A brother/sister with deep concern for the Ummah has requested to inform the Muslim Ummah of the below message:

Concern Regarding Activities on TikTok

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,

I hope this message finds you in the best of health and Iman.

I am writing to bring to your attention some deeply concerning behavior and activities being carried out by an individual on the social media platform TikTok.

This individual has been using TikTok as a means to engage with both young and older women under the guise of running a “Nikkah channel,” where he claims to matchmake individuals from different areas.

However, his intentions and actions raise significant concerns about their alignment with Islamic principles.

Some of the troubling issues include:

  1. Seeking Multiple Spouses: He has openly expressed his intention to look for two spouses for himself through this platform.
  2. Un-Islamic Meetings: he is reportedly meeting women in his apartment for meals without the presence of their mahrams, which goes against the teachings of Islam.
  3. Inappropriate Invitations: He frequently invites women to join him for weekend activities like padel where he can interact with them.
  4. Age Inappropriateness: At 50 years old, he is engaging with women significantly younger than himself, raising ethical and moral concerns.
  5. Disrespectful Behavior: On his platform, which attracts an audience of nearly 300 viewers, he has been heard calling women uninviting names and making derogatory remarks in public forums which make woman feel uncomfortable.
  6. Interaction with Married Women: he is engaging with married women, sometimes even in the presence of their husbands on the platform, which is highly inappropriate.
  7. Spreading Misinformation: He frequently shares Islamic views and interpretations that are not accurate, misleading viewers while portraying himself as an “Imam of TikTok.”

This behavior is not only un-Islamic but also tarnishes the image of Islam in front of a broad audience. It misrepresents the sacred institution of Nikkah and creates a distorted view of Islamic values for those who follow his platform.

As a community, it is imperative that we address such issues promptly to preserve the dignity and true essence of Islam. I urge the Islamic Jamiat to investigate this matter thoroughly and take the necessary steps to counsel such individuals and prevent further damage to the reputation of our faith.

JazakAllahu Khair for your time and attention to this matter. May Allah (SWT) guide us all to uphold the true teachings of Islam and protect our community from harm.

Wa Salaam


From the evidence produced and shared, it is clear the public even take the character to be a joke. Imaan and Islam is a joke to him. Unfortunately today, in the name of followers, hits and views we have become freaks stooping to such low levels all in the name of seeking attention.

Has this agent forgotten that the angel of death will snatch his soul and then he will have to give accountability. No Muslim nor non Muslim should give this bug attention. Laughing or joking with him will result in a loss of Imaan for believers as non Muslims never had it in the first place.

General people pick up his falsehood. More important as a warning for the Ummah are the bigger agents such as Tariq Jameel who is coming to South Africa. Tariq gained his knowledge in Raiwind and is using the image of the sincere to lure innocent souls into Haraam.

Every scholar/Muslim should warn of this kidnapper of Imaan!
Allah Ta’alaa guide us all. Aameen!

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