Who is the group young Majlis?
You should be well acquainted, the groups of baatil never have the courage to openly say who they are. As the real Majlis quotes the verse:
“We strike baatil with the Haqq. Then it crushes the brains of baatil”
ٍSuratul Israa, verse 81
They do not have an identity to share. They masquerade with no names. Many have come and shot themselves in their own two toes. You have probably heard of Difaa-ul-Ulamaa and then heard of their janaazah too!
The Haqq is not bothered with liars and cowards who hide behind veils of darkness. Just look at the lies these young fabricators promote:
“The Majlis recently claimed that the Jamiat had invited Hazrat Molana Tariq Jameel, but this is a blatant falsehood. Once again, the Young Majlis has fact-checked and exposed the Majlis for spreading misinformation. Openly lying is a serious matter. We advise the Majlis to reflect repent, and seek forgiveness (tauba), especially in their advanced age, before facing the inevitable reality of death (maut).“
This is their statement! Do you believe it? No? Read below!

What do you notice? A group with no identity? But leave all that cheap talk. Let us get to business! These fabricators claimed: “The Majlis recently claimed the Jamiat had invited Hazrat Molana Tariq Jameel, but this is a blatant falsehood.”
Yes the Majlis did say this:

The Majlis said, “the bogus Jusa, has invited this Agent……”. What was the lie when the word invited (past tense) was used and there is clear evidence to prove that Jusa has done so in the past. Here is the evidence: