While many (Deeny or non Deeny) are searching for that celebrity red carpet welcome, millions of likes and followers, this desire in itself is destructive. The celebrity pressure involves those very stars to change their tune now to suit the public. The reality is the public are worshipped eventually. This …
Read More »Four Defense Mechanisms against Evil (30 Sec Read)
Hadhrat Shaazli (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “The Qalb (spiritual heart) has four defenses against evil: 1) Attaching the heart to Allah Ta‟ala. The focus should always be on Allah Ta‟ala in all conditions. 2) To renounce everything other than Allah Ta‟ala. Only He is the Cause of all things. 3) Guarding …
It is related that once Umar Ibne Abdul Aziz رحمه الله accompanied a bier to the funeral but, on reaching the graveyard, he went over to a solitary place and sat silent, lost in thoughts. Someone asked, “O Ameerul-Ul-Mo’mineen, you are the guardian of this funeral and you are sitting …
The most unusual scenery, the best get away yet a person still desires after a considerable amount of time the return to his home. Upon returning from this long journey, once close proximity is felt hoping well his family will be there to embrace him, this feeling by those who …
Read More »The Real Scholars
Hakeemul-Ummah, Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaihi states, “However the reality is that all are not Ulamaa, but the real Ulamaa are only those that are not governed by the leaders, (rather what) governs them is the demands of the Shari’ah And those Ulamaa who ardently follow the leaders, their …
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