This world is not the place of enjoyment, Jannah is the place for that.We can never run away from Allah Ta’ala – we have to run to Allah. You can never find peace by running away from Allah Ta’ala.
Read “La hawla was Quwata illa bilallah” لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله – it is from the treasures of Jannah. By reading it – not only will Allah Ta’ala will assist you to get rid of any sin, but Allah will create a hatred of that sin.If you want to give your heart,then give it to the One (Allah Ta’ala) who gave you your heart.One of the signs of pride is that when people don’t respect you, you become angry.
We make a lot of excuses in front of people for our failings and wrong doings,and then we even make excuses in front of Allah Ta’ala.
When you have changed your life and made Tauba, then don’t reflect on your sins and enjoy them.In these sacred months the rewards of good deeds are multiplied manifold,but the punishment for sins are also multiplied.
May ALLAH ﷻ give us the understanding of what we read and practice upon it *آمــــــــــين*