Another Satanic Hub in Washington had collapsed when it was movie night in the US theatre and turned into an unexpected ordeal while screening Captain America: Brave New World and suddenly the ceiling came down falling. The incident took place around 8 pm at Liberty Cinema located in downtown Wenatchee, …
Read More »The Slave Boys Charity of Four Dirhams Brings Four Blessings for Him of his Master
Once there lived a drunkard in a certain city who drank day and night, in company with his friends. Once he had arranged a party and all his friends were with him, waiting for the drinks to be served, when he gave four dirhams to one of his slave- boys …
Read More »Wonderful Sayings by Hadhrat Sahal Isfahaani Rahmatullahi Alaihi
Hadhrat Sahal Isfahaani (Rahmatullah alayh) said: “I searched for wealth and found it in Ilm (Knowledge of the Deen). I searched for honour and nobility, and found it in Faqr (Poverty). I searched for Aafiyat (Safety) and found it in Zuhd (Renunciation of the world). I desired an easy Hisaab …
The apology has been acknowledged and should encourage us all to have this mindset to apologize when we make blunders and also when the apology is presented then to accept it. This should be the way the of every Muslim. We will put this on our records as these words …
Read More »First to Destroy Babri Masjid Dome, Then Builds 90 Masaajid
Whilst Modi and the hardline Hindu’s celebrated and inaugarated their illegitimate Temple, Ram on the 23rd January 2023, they filled it with rijs over the Paak and Pure Babri Masjid, they forget to make mention of this unique individual. His name was Balbir Singh, part of a Hindu fanatic mob …
Read More »Listen to this Lawyer who will go Down as a Defender of the Masaajid
While they were some who called for the closure of the Masaajid during the covid, others who spied on those going to the Masaajid, others who discouraged individuals, organizations went to the court to assist in ensuring the Masaajid are closed, some who even encouraged not going to visit or …
Read More »Who Built the First Masjid in our Ummah?
The first Masjid in Islam was built by Hadhrat Ammaar b. Yasir radhiyallahu anhuma. When Rasulullah sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam emigrated to Medinah, Hadhrat Ammaar radhiyallahu anhu offered to build a structure for him where Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam could sit, take rest in the afternoon, and say his …
Read More »Method For Remembering The Quraan
A resident of Gangoh asked “Hadhrat, during my stay in Saudi I memorized the Quraan and I am now revising it. Please make dua for me.” (After making duaa) Hadhrat said, “It is very simple to revise the Quraan. In your nafl salaah, recite those paras which you had revised …
When Abdullah Bin Taahir, the newly appointed governor arrived in the city of Nishapur, all the nobility and scholars came to welcome him. The entire city was involved in welcoming him for three days. Thereafter he asked if any of the prominent inhabitants of the city had not presented themselves …
Read More »Kissing The Mubarak Belly of Rasulullaah ﷺ
The Incident of Hadhrat Usayd bin Hudhayr Radhiyallahu Anhu Hadhrat Abu Layla Radhiyallahu Anhu says that Hadhrat Usayd bin Hudhayr Radhiyallahu Anhu was a good man who was always smiling and jovial. One day as he was busy speaking to some people in the presence of Rasulullaah ﷺ and making …
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