Hadhrat Umar (Radhiyallahu anhu) said:

“The ruler/leader of a community is their servant.”

This holds true for every group which has a leader or a ruler. Far from misusing a position and a rank of superiority, the Muslim ruler/husband/leader is under Shar’i obligation to benevolently serve his subjects and subordinates who are all units of trust assigned to his care by Allah Azza wa Jal.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Sahaabah have given the Ummah practical lessons in family matters – material affairs and home qaffairs. Thus, we find Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) assisting his wives in such simple home chores as sewing, mending, sweeping, washing, milking the goat, etc.

When Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the highest and noblest of acreation, considered it necessary to involve himself with these little domestic acts, then it behoves all Muslim husbands to emulate his noble example.

In this regard, the Qur’aan Majeed says:

“Verily, there is for you in the Rasul of Allah, a beautiful model (character, way, style) – for him who has hope (in meeting) Allah
and the Last Day

It is waajib (compulsory) on every Muslim to implement the model of the Rasul (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) in his daily life.

Partial implementation of the Sunnah is not expected for the true Mu’min although it has to be conceded that the Ummah, by far and large, has abandoned the noble Sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and substituted in its place the satanic systems of the kuffaar.

A king or ruler, although enjoying Shar’i superiority, authority and jurisdiction over his subjects, will be regarded as an evil oppressor and tyrant if he exercises his authority harshly or if he utilizes his rank in his selfinterest.

Similarly, a husband – the ruler of the home – who misdirects his authority and comes down harshly and inconsiderately on his family will be considered unjust and a tyrant by Islam.

The rank which the Shariah has bestowed to him is not for self-interest. It is not for the Muslim husband to flaunt his rank and authority in an attempt to gain the subservience of his wife for the benefit of his whimsical and sometimes inordinate desires, and in an attempt to pressurize her to forego the huqooq (rights) which the Shariah has granted her.

The husband’s superior rank demands that he served his wife and children in ways and methods which keep them firmly on the Path of Deen. With wisdom, naseehat (advice) and admonition, devotion, sacrifice, kindness and love should the Muslim husband pave the way of Jannat for his family – always sacrificing and giving, but never demanded fulfilment of his personal rights.

Az-Zaujus Saalih- The Pious Husband By Majlisul Ulamaa

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