11 Statements Of Hadhrat Moulana Thaanwi

Below is extracted from the Malfoozaat of Hakeemul Ummah, Hadhrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thaanwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi

Malfoozat do not deal with particular subjects. Every aspect of the Muslim’s life comes within the focus of Malfoozat.

1. Our buzroogs were never sour-faced. They always maintained a cheerful appearance, smiling with everyone in spite of the fear of Divine Love consuming their heart.

2. It is not among the ways of our Akabir (seniors) to praise a person in his presence. Whatever praises Maulana Gangohi (rahmatullah alayhi) lauded on me were in my absence. Friends conveyed such statements of praise to me. I cannot remember him praising me in my presence.

3. One philosopher wrote a letter informing me that after he had become a complete atheist, he reverted back to Islam by studying the Mathnavi (of Mulana Rumi [rahmatullah alayhi]). I prescribe the Diwan of Hafiz and Mathnavi for those devoid of passion. The statements of these sages kindle yearning in the heart. The Molvi Saheb (i.e. the philosopher) had no faith in the Sufiya. I, therefore, advised him to sit in the dars (class) of Mathnavi. After a while a state of ecstasy settled over him. He became a great admirer of Maulana Rumi (rahmatullah alayhi).

4. In Kerana (a town In India) a lawyer once asked me: ‘Why is Namaz [salaat] five times a day Fardh?’ I said ‘Why has your nose been created on your face?’ He replied: ‘It would have appeared ugly if it was on my neck.’ I said: Never! If everyone’s nose was at the back of the neck, it would not seem unsightly.’ He remained speechless.

5. When angered by someone, leave his presence or have him removed from your presence and drink cold water. If the anger is overwhelming then reflect: “Allah Ta’ala too has rights over me and I frequently violate such rights.When He forgives us, we too should forgive the faults and errors of others. What will be my plight if He seeks to take vengeance?”

6. People complain that those who pursue Islamic education are despised by the modernists. My advice is: You (i.e. Islamic students) too should despise them. This is the Sunnat of Nabi Nooh (alayhis salam)who said to his people:“If you mock at us, we too shall mock at you just as you are mocking”

My nephew was once traveling on a train during his childhood days. Along the journey he met a top-ranking police officer who asked:“Why is it that every student of Arabic (Islamic Education) has a clean-shaved head?”(At that time my nephew was studying Arabic.)

My nephew instantly responded:“Why is it that every student of western education has a clean-shaven face?”.This witty answer silenced the police officer.

7. There are such clear incidents regarding the Divine Scheme controlling Rizq (man’s worldly sustenance), which even liberal and skeptical intelligence cannot deny. There are many extremely wealthy persons who are completely illiterate, not being able to write even their names. However, in their employ, working under them are graduates.

8. Health is a wonderful ni’mat (bounty of Allah). In Lucknow there was a nawab who suffered from a stomach ailment. His nourishment consisted of only sucking a bit of mince boiled in a cloth-bag. On account of his aliment he could only suck the cloth bag containing the boiled mince. One day whilesitting on the bank of the river with some of his friends he saw a woodcutter approaching with a heavybundle of wood on his head. The woodcutter dumped his load under a tree, washed his hands and facein the river and sat in the shade of the tree eating a piece of dry bread with much relish. After drinkingsome water he fell in a deep sleep, snoring loudly. Observing this scene the nawab said to his friends:“I am prepared to exchange my wealth along with my sickness for the woodcutter’s poverty and health.”(i.e. if this was possible).

9)Hubbe jah (love for fame) and hubbe mal (love for wealth) are grave spiritual evils. They never leaveman in peace. If a man is satisfied with his lot and remains contented with the little he obtains, he will have no cause for worry and frustration.

10. Presentation of one’s needs to other is disgraceful. A person who abstains from asking, suffers no disgrace even if he happens to be a pauper. It has never been observed that a man who renders Deeni service without presenting his needs to people, are running around from pillar to post seeking the aid ofpeople.

11)Molvi Muhammad Shafi Saheb contemplated the publication of a newspaper. I advised him that if he publishes a paper, it should be entirely Islamic in character. People should be able to say: “This isindeed an Islamic paper.” The standard by which this can be achieved is to reflect in the light of Shari’i principles. Before deciding on the publication of any material ascertain by reflection whether it will be permissible to verbally express the statements, then it will be permissible to print them. If verbal expression is not permissible, printing too will not be permissible.

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