Certain ignorant souls claiming to be scholars have attempted to halaalize the voice of Shaitaan therefore we present to you just a few proofs from the following solid proofs by the Majlisul Ulama in the book: “Sautush Shaitaan- The Voice of Shaitaan” THE EVIDENCE OF THE QUR’AAN THE FIRST AAYAT …
Read More »More Beautiful than the Super Blue Moon
No cartoon or comic can blemish the noble Prophet ﷺ (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He ﷺ is dear to millions of Muslims around the world who strive to emulate his perfect example in every way. He ﷺ was a man of beauty and perfection, one of …
Read More »Once in a Blue Moon (Aug 2023)
The world may be stunned by the blue moon but it requires intelligence to realise the Creator behind it all. The Designer of this all, Allah Ta’ala says, Quran – Surah No. 3 آل عمران Ayah No. 190 Translation: “Surely, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and …
Read More »Genocide of Islamic Scholars of India by British
During Year 1864 to 1867(3 years) After the 1857 war of Independence, an English Historian Edward John Thomson (1886 – expired 1946) who used to visit and stay in India regularly starting year 1910 writes, in his 1925 Book : The other side of the Medal Excerpts from his book: …
In Tambeehul Ghafileen- Admonition for the neglectful- (translated by Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias Rahmatullahi Alaihi) Part 3 page 34: What a beautiful statement made by someone: “When the Ulama accumalate Halaal wealth, then the masses will begin eating from doubtful wealth. And when the Ulama start accumulating doubtful wealth, then …
Jamiatul Ulama South Africa who has been on a centenary celebration spree should consider the real Jamiats stance on television- ” They cause the disunity then blame those who stand for the Haqq for the disunity” Moulana Abdul Hamid Saheb Let’s look at the current Jamiatul Ulama who claims to …
Read More »Demolishing The Gynvapi Masjid
The Supreme Court of India on Friday (August 4) dismissed the Muslim side’s plea challenging the Allahabad High Court order of allowing archaeological survey by the ASI of the Gyanvapi mosque in Varanasi city of Uttar Pradesh. The apex court permitted a scientific survey of the Gyanvapi mosque compound in …
Read More »Breaking: Modi Arrest Probe Gains Momentum
SAKAG (SA Kashmiri Action Group) and MLA (Muslim Lawyers Association), as co-complainants who lodged an application to secure the arrest of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, are upbeat that progress is underway. Following their meeting on Thursday with NPA prosecutorial team and SAPS DPIC appointed team, they have expressed hope …
Read More »Fitnah In Deeny Outfits: Moulana Yunus Patel Rahmatullahi Alaihi
“There is a sickness in society which has now reached epidemic proportions. It is so severe that it requires repetition in its warnings to drive the point home.Fitnas abound, and the worst and most dangerous fitnah is that which takes the form and garb of Deen.In the name and guise …
On the 13th July, the day in 1931 when twenty-two Kashmiri civilians gave their lives in a tragic but brave incident for the believers that lives in the memory of millions as a story of courage and sacrifice. The 22 Kashmiris were killed for reciting the Muslim call to prayer, …
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