Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Zakariyya Khandelwi Rahmatullahi Alaihi writes in Aap Beti, Volume 4 & 5, pg 152 (english translation) under chapter 10: My Uncle Maulana Muhammed Ilyaas Rahmatullahi ‘Alaihi: Once my uncle told me: “Some of our friends are of the opinion that when our jamaats proceed on ghusht, …
Read More »Dreams of Rasulullah صلى الله عليه و سلم
It is reported from ‘Nuzhatul Basaa’tin that, Ibrahim bin Khawaaz Radiyallaahu anhu says, ” Once on journey I felt such extreme thirst and I fell down unconscious. While I lay there, I felt someone sprinkling water on my face. When I opened my eyes I saw a handsome young man …
Read More »Dua for Transgressors
Once Hadhrat Ma’roof Karkhi (rahmatullahi alayh) with a few of his mureeds came by a group of evil doers who were singing and dancing. A mureed said: “Hadhrat curse these transgressors who are so flagrantly transgressing the Shariah so that they be destroyed and society be saved from their evil.” …
Read More »A Dark Display of Mistrust in the Name of the Trustworthy ‘Bukhāri’ Completion
Translating is an Amaanat and Hadhrat Anas Radhiyallahu anhu said, “Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam seldom addressed us without saying, “He who does not honour Amaanah (trust) has no Imaan” Yesterday, Jamiatul Ulama South Africa had their Bukhāri Jalsah at Nurul Islam Masjid in Lenasia. Bukhāri Shareef itself is the …
Read More »Is the Pharoah Style Ilk Collapsing?
The hearts of this Ummah are stained with blood notwithstanding the current situation in Palestine with 31 Masaajid bombed and uprooted, over 2000 children murdered, sleep has become something of the past for the Gazan’s and those residing in the West Bank, voices are heard under the rubble by Allah …
The incident mentioned below is extracted from Tadhkiratur Rasheed, Pg 115: Hadhrat Mufti Rasheed Gangohi Rahmatullahi Alaihi took up the courage to present the truth via lengthy correspondences with his honourable Sheikh, Hadhrat Haji Saheb Rahmatullahi Alaihi surrounding the customary occasion of Mawlood (the birth of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa …
Hadhrat Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Zakariyya Kandhlawi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) writes in Aap Beti, HOW THE ELDERS STUCK TO THEIR TASKS PUNCTUALLY “I have seen my elders being very meticulous in their tasks, and being very punctual in adhering to their programmes. In Ashrafus Sawanih, Moulana Thanwi is quoted as saying, “One …
The most unusual scenery, the best get away yet a person still desires after a considerable amount of time the return to his home. Upon returning from this long journey, once close proximity is felt hoping well his family will be there to embrace him, this feeling by those who …
Read More »Sheikhul Hadith Moulana Zakariyya’s Boyhood Days
“I relate a personal experience to illustrate how one’s leisure hours, when divested of Allah’s blessings, seem to slip away at an unimaginably fast speed. In my boyhood days, I was very fond of holding a sort of poetic quiz competition, in which two teams competed with each other in …
Read More »Moulana AS Desai’s (The Majlis) Letter From Prison
Moulana Ahmed Sadeq Desai Saheb Daamat Baraakatuhu more commonly known as ‘The Majlis’ wrote this letter in the year 1999 when the kufr forces locked Hadhrat up in Bangladesh. This letter wakes up our dead spiritual souls. Today in this world where the masses are selling the Deen, there are …
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