Kharshah bin al-Hurr narrated: I saw Umar bin al-Khattaab (radhiyallahu anhu) while a young man passed by him, who had his lower garment hanging (below his ankle) and he was dragging it. So he (Umar) called him and said: “Are you one who menstruates?” He replied “O Ameer ul-Mu’mineen, does …
Read More »Overseas Qurbaani
Many people are accustomed to sending money overseas to have their waajib Qurbaani performed on their behalf. If this is done merely to save oneself the “work” and “trouble” (and money), it is indeed reprehensible. This totally breaks the entire spirit of Qurbaani. If we continue with this trend, Allah …
Read More »The Ihraam of the Face & Hijaab
While in Ihraam, it is not permissible for a woman to allow any cloth to touch her face. Ibne Umar رضي الله عنه narrates that Nabi ﷺ said: “المحرمة لا تنتقب” “A woman who is in Ihraam should not put a veil on her face.” (Abu Dawud Shareef under the …
By Hadhrat Maulana Maseehullah Khan Rahmatullahi Alayhi: Knowledge of the virtues of Hajj will develop in one the understanding of the value and importance of hajj, creating enthusiasm and eagerness which in turn will result in proper fulfillment of the laws, etiquette and requirements of Hajj. Allah Ta’laa says in …
Read More »12 Points: Salaat of the Sick
Under no condition should salaat be left out. As long as the person has the strength to stand up and offer his salaat, he should stand up. If he cannot stand, he should sit down and offer his salaat. He should make his ruku while sitting. After the ruku, he …
Yet another shaitaan then comes forward and says, “I continued to mislead so-and-so until he committed zina.” When Iblees hears this, he becomes pleased and says, “You are the one who has accomplished something great!” A fourth shaitaan then presents himself before Iblees and says, “I continued to make an …
There are fourteen places of Sajdah Tilawat in the Qur’an. Wherever the word “sajdah” appears on the margin of the Quran, then on reciting that verse, Sajdah becomes. This Sajdah is known as sajdal-e-tilaat The method of making Sajdah e Tilaawat is as follows the person should say Al Akbar …
Read More »Salaah in Short Sleeve Style
It is Makrooh Tahrimi (forbidden) to expose the elbows during Salaat, and it is in conflict with Islamic Murawwat (Culture) to have the elbows exposed in public. It never was the style of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) nor of the Sahaabah nor of the Ambiyaa nor of the entire Ummah down the …
Read More »Sahabah Radhiyalluhu Anhum Speak On Salaat with Jamaa’
A few Ahadith have been mentioned to serve as an example. We will now men- tion the sayings of the companions of Rasulullah in order to illustrate the importance they attached to the offering of salaat with jama’at, and how they warded the abandoning of jama’at. Why should they not …
Read More »Belief Concerning The Auliya (Friends Of Allah Ta’laa)
When a Muslim engages in an abundance of Ibaadah, abstains from sins, does not become attached to the world, and follows the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) in every way, he becomes the friend and beloved of Allah Ta’laa. Such a person is called a Wali. At times, a wali …
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